Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Ooh-Er, Pu'Er

It has been a VERY bad week food-wise this week. After a weekend of utter excess - not just the alcohol - we ate chicken dippers and potato wedges for dinner and chicken dippers and onion rings for post-clubbing snack. Followed by biscuits and danishes for breakfast one and fry up for breakfast two.

So I have ruined all my hard work, I'm a hefty lump again - and I had such good intentions. So now I am looking about for my next faddish weight loss technique - and have discovered that despite having scoffed at the pu'er stuff in my Figuro tea (you know - the one for people who care about their figures), it apparently does help people lose weight.

I found this. Wuh hoo. Well that's sorted then. Sodd giving up the bad stuff. Sod the exercise. Bring on the tea drinking.

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