Thursday, July 31, 2008

Not Quite So Starry Cocktails

Went to a work-related function yesterday - which was not actually as bad as it sounds. It was largely about networking (ugh) and drinking very weak cocktails. Because of the industry I work in, there were rather a lot of young blonde things flicking their hair at the CocktailStars bar. Which was not working in my favour at all - I approached the rather busy cocktail bar and had the luck to get served pretty much sraight away. Good news - as these networking larks tend to require a certain amount of alcohol to start seeming anything but horrific.

Anyway, barman requests my order -which was a pomegranite margherita. Barman grabs a glass, puts some concoction in the bottom of it, before throwing some bottles about a bit and making eyes at said small blonds who are chatting up his mate. Then he starts pouring coke in my drink. And chatting with smal blondes.

Great, so he's not only forgotten what I want to drink, but he's forgotten that I even want one. As I wonder which thing I should bring up first, he shoves a straw into the drink he's just made - so I figure better alcohol with coke than no alcohol at all (just). But no - as I start reaching my hand up to grab the drink, he takes a massive suck on the straw. Is this normal? Is he supposed to be testing quite so much of the drink, I am wondering as he continues on his chatting-up mission.

But no - he's not taking a massive test of my drink after all, I realise as he takes his eyes off small blondes for long enough to grab another glass. The truth of the matter is worse than that. He has actually decided that not only is he going to ignore a potential customer (me), by chatting up small blondes, but he's going to go one step further towards total lack of professionalism, by asking someone what they want to drink and then ignoring them to chat up small blondes and make himself a drink first.

I think I shall not be booking CocktailStars any time soon.

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