Thursday, August 07, 2008

Forays into Wedding Dress Trying

I had my first wedding dress trying experience today. It was most peculiar. I found myself in a very VERY small and very VERY hot little changing room, with not enough room for both me and the dress in it. But I struggled through, trying on a dress which was a size too big, gaping at the front, gaping at the back, with my bright red bra proudly flashing itself to all and sundry. And indeed, all and sundry were there.

I was with my mother, who was surrounded by a gaggle of older ladies all hoping to catch a glimpse and all suggesting I "come out, come out, there's a better mirror out here". Being stuck in a very small changing room, with not really room for the whole dress in it, without me pressing myself to the mirror I slightly reluctantly swiped open the fitting room curtain to look in the better mirror.

Now, despite being rather squashed in the tiny fitting room, I had seen what I looked like. The dress was quite nice - however I looked wide. I am hoping that is because the dress was too big and not just because it was white - not a good colour for anyone - least of all someone who is already wide. So I knew that I wasn't looking brilliant - gaping front, gaping back, red bra on show, wide (although I have just realised that actually, I still had my trousers on, so perhaps that might explain a bit of the wideness).

So I step out of the fitting room, in a big ball of off-white with a massive train following me out and am shocked to hear gasps and coo-ing. From pretty much everyone in the shop. In fact, everyone who is in the shop puts down what they are doing to come and comment on how lovely it looks (bear in mind, I'm gaping, red and wide) and to beam up at me with what really actually is genuine excitement.

So a word to those getting married - who are feeling like they may not be looking at thier best - if you want to guarantee you get the best reaction possible when you are trying a dress on, get yourself down to your nearest charity shop that stocks wedding dresses. Yes, the dresses I tried were from Cancer Research - stock from a shop which went out of business - if only either of the dresses I tried fit.

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