Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Sweaty, Wobbly AND Musty

I think I was a bit of a nasty neighbour at the gym today. Not only because I was, once again, sweating like a pig on a spit. It's gross. But the issue here is based in the fact that I have not done enough exercise in the last year or so.

Having been to the gym three times, I had run out of gym tops. Or so I thought, until I dug around in my drawer and discovered an old gym top I used to wear (in rather thinner days). Tried it on - too small. Hmph. So I thought I'd have another look, see if I didn't have a big baggy number and discovered a bright pink top I used to wear when running. Woo hoo - how could I have forgotten about it - that was my favourite running top!

Shove it on. Leave for gym. On the way to the gym however, I start getting that distinct Been-In-A-Drawer-For-Too-Long smell. You know - when you find something at the back or a drawer and it hasn't been worn for the best part of a year? A bit moth-ball-y. Musty. But I was half way there by then - and why do the additional exercise involved in going back home to find something less whiffy? I've paid good money for that gym membership. If I'm going to do any exercise anywhere, you can be damn sure it'll be there. I don't do exercise for free now that I've paid for it.

(Sorry to anyone at the gym tonight who had to go on a machine next to the very sweaty, wobby, musty lass).

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