Sunday, August 24, 2008

I Am SO Hot

And I don't mean in a "grrrr, you saucy tiger, you" way. In an "oh my god, I'm going to evaporate immediately" way. I have just been for an hour and twenty minute session with a personal trainer at the gym and I am, I believe, dying.

I am completely knackered and am, almost literally, swimming in my own sweat. Personal trainers are the devil's employees - I'm pretty sure of it. Every single muscle in my body is tired. I am afraid to blink in case my eyes never open again - my body is rejecting my requests to breathe, because it is too much effort.

The walk home from the gym should take about seven minutes - today, it felt like it took seven hours it was so difficult. I am now good for nothing other than lying on the sofa for five days - which is clear proof that personal trainers are the devil's employees. (Because nobody ever lost weight just sitting on the sofa for five days).

And on top of that - if I come back from the gym unable to move (or go to the loo, because once I'm on it, I simply cannot get back up off it), I want to see immediate results. I want to come home, look in the mirror and be thin, thin, thin. Which I am not. More evidence of personal trainers being the devil's employees.

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