Monday, August 25, 2008

The Worst Is Yet To Come

Ugh, if I thought it was difficult to move yesterday, today I am pretty much paralysed to the spot (and that spot - obviously, has to be the loo - otherwise I'd be soiling both my clothes and whatever other spot I had chosen to sit in).

The worse new is that, as everyone knows, you ache the most from exercise on the second day after you've done it. The second day for me will be tomorrow - when it will be necessary for me to limp my way to the tube, try to keep my balance as it jolts about the place, attempt to climb the stairs between platforms and at my destination.

I wonder if it is possible to dye from muscle strain. Because if it is, I think I will be near to it tomorrow.

p.s. I have not actually spent the whole day on the loo. That just made the story sound better.

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