Sunday, September 07, 2008

More Dress Trying

The trip to Cancer Research started quite badly - we got there on time, which is a good start - given that my last foray into dress trying started 20 minutes late - you know - tube problems...

I asked at the counter if the lady we were supposed to be meeting was there, to be told that no, she had gone out to lunch an would probably be another half hour or so. Hmmm. Luckily, someone else had the sense to call her up and get her back - so we only had to wait ten minutes or so - in which time I snapped myself up some bargain books (perhaps a cunning ploy - arrive late - leave the punters in the shop with nothing to do and they shall buy...).

So bad start - however I soon discovered that there were bonuses to be had from going to a non-wedding dress shop. Whereas at the last trying session, the (very professional) lady in the shop advised me on what would and wouldn't look good on me. This was good, given that I had no idea what I was looking for at the first session.

This time, the lady just brought everything out in my size and the size below and I tried just about every style imaginable (other than the sailor trousers and bodice). However the end result was that the woman in the first shop was entirely right. I looked totally dreadful in pretty much everything other than the style she suggested. It's because I have a fat bum.

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