Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Not Such a Fit Princess

Getting married is bad for your health. Fact. The reason it is bad for your health is that as a bride it is necessary for one (this one anyway) to shed a pound or two. This desire to lose a pound or two usually leads one (again, this one in particular) to come up with hair-brained weight loss plans. Plans which extend further than merely splashing out extensive wads of cash on a monthly gym membership. Plans which include "Fit For a Princess".

Fit for a Princess is essentially the sort of thing you did on a wet day at school when it was too grim outside to do anything other than resort to the "gym" (i.e. there was a hurricane blowing, sheet rain along with hailstones the size of footballs, so the PE teachers restort to making us all go into the oldest room in the school , through which the wind howls and the rain drips from the roof). Those really dreadful exercises which include squats, lunges (both of which we must have done at least 100 of), star jumps and other things that don't have names I know, but I am sure are called things like the death-star-jump, the your-legs-must-die jumps, the unhappy rope claberer.

On top of that was, of course, the usual crunches, sprinting (...not so sprinty in my case) and side steping quickly whilst gesticularting wildly with your arms.

Horrific. And today, of course, I can't walk.

I wasn't particularly enthusiastic about going, because I could see myself being the fat unfit one that everyone when home and said about "well it was dificult, but at least I wasn't the fattest and slowest". My fears were pretty much confirmed when I got there. I was that person who was making others feel good just by being there and incapable. Well, at least I'm doing a public service then, eh.

In honesty, I think it's a good thing that I paid upfront for a whole host of classes before having been to one, because had I gone to one first, I would definitely have backed out and never gone again. Thank goodness I'm a skinflint - as it is surely the only way in which I will ever achieve any of the weight loss I so desparately need to.

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