Monday, September 15, 2008

Still a Bit Fat For a Princess

So tonight was my second session of Fit For a Princess tonight and I am waiting with trepidation to find out if I can walk tomorrow or not. This week was better than last week though. The instructor was not so hard on us - that's not to say that I could do everything instructed - because I could not - by any means. However she was just slightly more forgiving than last week's lady. I am hoping it'll be her back next week.

The class is not growing. If anything, it's shrinking. Those two girls who were slightly less fit than me who came last week have not shown their faces this week. As I suspected. Last week was just too hard - I couldn't walk for four days, for goodness sake.

This week, there was only one of the girls from last week - who told me this was the last class she could make because she's playing netball on Tuesdays from now on. Oh yeah? Netball, eh? Likely story. And along with her and me there were three others. One who's just become an instructor (instantly hated her - really thin, really fit. Ugh) an Australian - who I quite liked - because although she was clearly fit, she kept on saying she was dying. I like that in an exercise-class-mate.

The third though, was my favourite - because it was my sister. Now she's always been much more fit than me - but she's just had baby number 3 - so at the moment, I can keep up with her - just. I'll hate her in three weeks when she's actually sprinting when the instructor yell "sprint" - but for the time being - I'm not the fat kid on my own at the back. I'm the fat kid at the back who is making herself feel better by seeing that a recently pregnant woman is only two steps ahead of her. (Small consolation, you might think - but I'll take anything I can get...)

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