Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Mystic Meg in the Dungeons

The good new (for me - probably pretty indifferent for you) is that I have been walking all week. More than that, in fact - went to the gym tonight with my sister (who had a giggling fit on the pull up machine thing - we were in the girl's section of the gym and when you pull yourself up on this thing, you can peer over the partition into the mixed section... I think you probably have to be there...).

I also got some exercise last night - however that came in the form of an altogether more saucy wobbling of fat. A colleague and I went to The London Dungeons - by invite (did you know it costs twenty one quid to get in there if you're paying - twenty one quid!). We were welcomed with a champagne cocktail with some sort of red liquid in it - yes - that's right - blood red...

Anyway, to cut a long story short, we did the guided tour (abridged), ate as many bowls of the bowl food as we could - which were delicious, drank as much of the free wine as possible and then decided to grind out things on the dancefloor. Yes - that's right, the London Dungeons had a dancefloor. (A disco they called it - bit 80s that - why make it sound as bad as it's going to be?)

There is little doubt that we were really the only ones to get into the dancing properly - and at one point we managed to create one of those circles where someone dances in the middle, then someone else (all very fun after a few glasses of wine). All very fun until some miserable cow refuses to dance in the circle, which makes everyone else feel a bit self concious and the circle quickly disperses. Possibly there was only one person who got in the middle other than my colleague and I. Hmmm.

We also had our cards read - the lady managed to sum up my future life in about 30 seconds. A windfall, she said - money within two weeks - but following some paperwork. A venture which will be a great success - but only if I wait until the time is right. Recognition for all my hard work. Travel - 100-200 miles away - perhaps moving away.

Great - so I prepared myself for a windfall - only to have my hopes dashed when a cheque arrived in the post at work this morning from rubbishy Virgin Trains - who charged me twice about three months ago and have only just got round to giving me my money back after about 50 calls to customer services. Imagine my disappointment then, when the colleague who was there with me pointed out how right she'd been about me getting a windfall - because my cheque had finally arrived from rubbishy Virgin Trains.

If it was your own money in the first place and you're just getting it back, can it really be classed as a windfall? Please answer no to that - because I am desparately hoping for something more substantial.

(Materialistic? Are you kidding - I have a wedding to pay for).

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