Monday, September 29, 2008

Vodka 2

So, went to a Polish wedding at the weekend. I don't know if this is how all Polish weddings go, but here's how this one went...

After the ceremony bit, we headed to the Polish Club in Cambridge, where we arrived to find the tables set out like we were going to be taking part in a jubilee celebration. There were cake stands full of tasty looking Polish cake morsels (and fruit on the bottom level - which wasn't quite so exciting) and bottles of soft drinks and jugs of lurid orange liquid.

We all took our places (no table plans), at which point someone circulated bottles of vodka - a bottle per four people. Little did I know this was just the first of many bottles. Anyway, as I was saying, we took our places and as the bride and groom took thiers, there was much raucous Polish singing and drinking of shots. Which ended up being pretty much the pattern of the whole night. Much Polish singing (despite them singing the song about 20 times, I only managed to pick up the first two words - which luckily were repeated often) and much drinking of shots.

Much of the night becomes unmemorable - not because it was dull - I had a great time - but by vodka shot number 586, things began to get a bit hazy. However I do remember that when we all got back to the friends' house we were staying at, some of us decided that clearly what we needed upon getting in was a couple of large slices of (really tasty) victoria sponge and a couple of large glasses of (really alcoholic) caipirinha.

Thus - Vodka is evil and Polish weddings are bad for your health.

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