Sunday, October 05, 2008

Dresses and Evacuations

So, I had another dress trying session yesterday. Once again, trying dresses which are too expensive for me. However this was definitely my best dress shopping drip yet. I went to Morgan Davies and, as with every other dress trying appointment I've had, turned up late. Twenty five minutes late this time, which is a record even for me.

I was greeted by a lovely lady who asked all about what the plans for the wedding were, where the ceremony will be, where the reception will be, what the room the reception is in looks like, etc. And rather excitingly, she said that she had been working there for nine and a half years and in all her days there, I was the first person who had got married in the same place as her.

Anyway - we went through the usual dress trying lark - my favourite one was similar to what I had initially thought I wanted - however just to add more excitement, the lovely lady at the shop sat me down, did my hair (in a rather Audrey Hepburn style, she told me - for which the inital stage was copious amounts of backcombing), added sparkly accessories to the do, sparkly accessories to the dress and didn't stop short of advising me that I should get my ears peirced before the wedding in order that I might wear some sparkly drop earings.

It was great. And then on the way home, we got evacuated from Kings Crosss tube station for some sort of undisclosed emergency.

Exciting stuff, eh?

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