Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Weekly Weigh In

I have not achieved my goal of getting thin by this weekend. I am still not thin. This is a disaster. Not least because I have nothing to wear either. So I am going to the wedding fat and without an outfit - or at the very least, in an inappropriate outfit.

I am not really seeing the changes that this exercise lark is supposed to be giving me - so I might be a bit less achey after the classes (only my bum and inner thighs aching this week - the inner thigh aches developed today - and this is good news - because both my bottom and my inner thighs are problem areas), but I ain't no thinner.

I did my second month photos last week (you know - the monthly photo taking thing - a bit like weight watchers weekly weight in - similar in humiliation levels - however it's only me looking at me and thinking about how hefty I am. Oh - and of course the other difference, is that at weight watchers they don't make you do it in your underwear, that I know of, and have it in a form that if someone was looking at random stuff on your computer, they could find. Which would possibly result in their sudden and nasty death via heart stopping shock and disgust). It was a relative disaster. I could see a vague difference around my stomach area - the type of difference you could notice quite easily if you were looking with a massive magnifying glass. But I need more - MORE, I tell you.

Do you think it's cheating if I just take the next set of pictures from slightly futher away - so that I sort of look smaller?

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