Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Fat Princess Update

I am currently sitting on the sofa waiting for the shrill beep of the microwave to tell me that my Marks and Spencer chili con carne is ready. I always feel I look a little sad and forlorn buying dinners for one (and desserts for three - a girl needs a certain amount of chocolate mousse, that one small pot of "count on us" just does not provide).

But anyway, while we've got six minutes, I shall give you a quick update on yesterday's Fat Princess class. So this week's trainer was Sergeant Squats - the lassy from the the first week (that's the first week when I couldn't walk for four days afterwards), so I was not looking forward to this week's class in the slightest.

I made the most of the only day this week I anticipated having the full use of my legs by running up a couple of flights of stairs at the tube station and at work, feeling a little sad that this was goodbye to functioning limbs.

My fear/racing-mind-trying-to-find-a-way-out was made worse by my sister texting me to let me know that she was going to be unable to make it. Ahhhhgh. I could see the evening before me - surrounded by skinny little runts who are training to be an instructor, wobbling around the place - fat kid at the back of the class, totally unable to keep up during the sprinting classes.

Much desperate texting and phone calls ensued on my part until I thankfully found someone to look after her kids for the hour that we were going to be at the princess school. Feee-ew.

So, with great trepidation yesterday evening, I made my way to the class, my feet dragging all the way.

However there was initial good news, which came in the form of two new girls. A feint hope rose that I might be jointly at the back. My hopes were well founded - because the warm up runs showed that the two new girls and a couple of other lasses who were there that I'd never seen before were all jogging at roughly equal speed. Yippee (that just left the one skinny swot racing off at a stupid pace, showing off that she's been doing fat camp for simply years now). And of course there was my sister too - who cleverly managed to turn up late and miss the warm up run.

Anyway - we still did a gazillion squats and faaaar too many lunges - and all the other horrific things - but I have gone on a bit - so shall cut a long story short and admit that I couldn't believe it when the stretches came around. I actually felt like I could have gone on for longer (about five minutes longer - but come on - let me celebrate my slowly and unimpressively increasing fitness levels).

Wuh hoo - and only my bum is aching a little today - which is a good thing, given the amount of lard that needs to shift from that area.

Long six minutes eh? don't worry - I collected my dinner and have eaten it - not bad, the chili con carne. Totally disappointed by the chocolate mousse though. Ugh. Could hardly make my way through jus the one small pot. Yuckedy-yuck.

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