Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me

So, Fat Princess was a bit of a wash out last night. Similar to last week, when I turned up, there was only me there - however unlike last week, my sister did not turn up after ten minutes - because she is on holiday this week and next. So I spent the whole lesson having a "personal training session".

Oh god it was awful. I had to run around a square about fifty six times, along with five minutes of star jumps, dog something or others, heel something or others and a load of other horrific something or others. My legs were like jelly on the way home - which is always a bad sign.

And as expected, this morning, I woke up with an imobile set of glutes and hamstrings. Problem areas - so it's a bit inconvenient not to be able to walk, however I think I'll live with it.

Today, I have spent the day pottering - it's against the law to work on your birthday, so I haven't. Instead my day can be summed up by over-eating and wandering about a shop where the cheapest item was £430. No - not another wedding dress shop - Dover Street Market. Of course, had I looked at the website, I would have known that I would be entering a four story realm of the rich. However I only read about it in my 1000 Things To Do in London book, which made it sound like it was going to be a retro museum type market.

This evening, things improved, because I spent my time gorging myself on dinner and dessert and then on a delicious cake my mum bought me. And everyone knows that as much as it's against the law to work on your birthday, equally, it is the law to gorge yourself on cake and bad stuff when it's your birthday. Successful, law-abiding day then, I'd say. Well done me.

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