Sunday, October 12, 2008

Are You Having The Time of Your Life?

Due to a hangover, instead of getting out there and enjoying potentially the last day of sunshine this year, I have spent the day having the time of my life.

The Lady With The Baby has been encouraging this. Every Thursday she emails me to find out if I had the time of my life the evening before or not - and so far, I never have. But today, I have spent two hours, on the sofa, watching Dirty Dancing: The Time of Your Life and I think I'm addicted.

I am not sure that my booty shaking on the dancefloor last night (hence the hangover) was quite up to the same standard, but I do watch it and like to think that I could do it (badly or course, and a bit fatly, but still...).

I am also totally jealous of Kelly Brooke's outfits. I soooo need her wardrobe.

I am going to have to leave the sofa soon though - because I am clearly missing something good out there - there's a girl in our communal gardens who is lounging out there in just a bikini - who'd have thought it eh, in October. I'm not sure it's a good sign that she looks a little blue, but still. I also have to go out today because I got a new handbag for my birthday (which isn't until Tuesday, but I simply couldn't hold on until then to open it) and I need to showcase the handbag, even if it is just walking down the street in front of a load of strangers.

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