Thursday, February 28, 2008

Every Cloud...

Disaster struck at work the other day. The fuses on the electric sockets in the kitchen blew, which meant no boiling the kettle - how is a girl to get through the day without her figuro and detox teas?

But worse still, the fridge stopped working too. And typically, on the very day that I had been shopping for between-meal snacks. Not only that - but I was going out that evening, thus disenabling me from simply taking my tasty treats home with me.

But let's bear in mind that old adage... every cloud has a silver lining. The fridge breakdown meant that I simply had no choice but to eat everything in it. Which meant I had to struggle my way through half a tub of hummus, a small tub of olives and a punnet of blueberries. Obviously a disappointing result...

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