Tuesday, February 26, 2008

You Too Can Lose a Dress Size

I went on a shopping extravaganza on Saturday. A frenzy even. I purchased a skirt, a going out top, a pair of trousers and a work top and three pairs of brown tights, all in one day. A highly successful trip by my standards. Altough I did only make purchases in three shops - French Connection for the (work) trousers and work top, M&S for the brown tights and Next for the skirt and going out top.

Next is my new favourite shop. If you want to feel thin, get yourself down there. I have dropped a dress size - and through no merit of my own. Yes, that's right, no exercise needed, no faddish diets, just shopping in the right place.

I trounced off to the changing room, items in hand, fully expecting not an item to fit (because I'm afraid that's the sort of relationship I have with shopping), so imagine my delight when I had to pop my head out of the curtain asking for everything, yes everything in a smaller size.

Now that's the kind of weight loss I like.

(Was a bit miffed about French Connection's maths though. The trousers I bought were from a rack which proclaimed 75% off. Mine were forty quid - down from £70 - which by my calculations is not even pushing 50%. But then, when you've got a fat arse, you'll take what you can fit into. Also - buoyed up by the whole buying frenzy, I didn't even blink when I saw the price tag on the work top saying £45. For a little lavender jumper? I ask you. I might return it).

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