Thursday, April 03, 2008

A Channel 5 Special

I got home this evening at 9.30, put on the end of the new series of house on channel 5 then turned off the telly and made some burgers for lunch tomorrow.

That done, I sat back down, turned the telly back on, only to be confronted by mens' willies. Lots of mens' willies. Followed by lady gardens and people doing it. It is apparently "A Girl's Guide to 21st Century Sex" - however I am not convinced it is really for the girls. My suspicions are that it is rather thinly disguising itself as a therapy programme, when actually, it is something rather more sinister. Across the country right now, I am sure that there are thousands of men tuning in, in the name of "research".

And having a lady with big eyebrows presenting it in dowdy clothes with "Dr" before her name is not convincing me either.


Anonymous said...

Of course, you had to watch the whole thing in the purposes of 'research'?

Jones said...

Hmph. I resent what you're implying there "anonymous". How very dare you?

Oh, alright, so I did watch a bit of it - but in honesty, it was all a bit much - there are only so many mens' bits you can look at without bringing your dinner up.