Monday, April 21, 2008

The Wicked Witch of Parsons Green

Was on a tube journey on the district line tonight, quietly minding my own business (er... playing solitaire on my iPod that is), when the lassy stood in front of me started bending over and taking up half the carriage to fiddle with her backpack which was on the floor in front of her.

Now this was at about 7.30pm and the tube was packed. So there wasn't actually that much room for all her fiddling about and it became clear that she was an accident waiting to happen - and me being the one behind her, I started preparing for that accident to happen to me. So I was preparing myself for the rudimentary hair flick in the face, or her falling back onto me when the train stopped. What I did not prepare myself for was what actually happened.

So busy was I thinking about getting out of the way of flicking hair or falling lady that when I felt my toe being crushed by her stilletto, I was totally unprepared and started squeeling "ow, ow, ow" at the top of my voice - it was an involuntary, but rather loud reaction to her persistant stilletto to toe action. And instead of moving her foot when she heard my squeels, she put more pressure on it as she spun round on the stilletto which was gouging my toe, to see what was going on.

Now I think it wasn't unfair of me to expect that she might be turning around to apologise - however the fact that her stilletto remained planted firmly on my toe should have given away what her reaction was actually going to be. The wicked witch gave me a really dirty look, tutted, and spat "so-rree" at me in a rather unnecessarily sarcastic manner. As if it were my fault that she'd stepped on my effing toe. Cow.

Ohhh, it makes my toe throb just thinking about it.

(Tube rant over for the week).

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