Sunday, April 20, 2008

Cold Feet and Cups of Tea

Right, that's it. The wedding's off.

Spent the weekend (or large parts of it, that is) looking into wedding stuff and discovered that we can afford a dress, so long as we don't have a photographer. And we can afford to feed people, so long as there are only ten of them and they don't want to sit down anywhere. We can afford a venue, so long as no one wants to come. We can afford to send invites, but if we do, the wedding won't happen.

How do people do it? I'm not being a bridezilla about it either. Having made an amazing dress discovery and then making a not so amazing discovery that said dresses start at £1250, some nifty online research produced similar dresses for a mere £50 (they just don't have the word "wedding" in their name) - not quite as beautiful, but it'll do.

I have decided the only way to afford it is either by winning the lottery or robbing a bank and I'm not positive I'm going to manage either.

My weight loss is not going so well either. This weekend I have been for tapas, had a curry, a Mr Whippy ice cream, made 30 hazlenut and chocolate chip cookies - most of which are gone and gorged self on half a tub of Ben and Jerry's. I am therefore solving the problem by drinking more tea. Yes, that's right, more tea. I have been perusing Tea World - they have a whole section on weight loss teas. So far I am up to £13.92's worth of Oolong, Pu'er and Herbal teas (the main properties of all of course being weight loss).

Who says a nice cup of tea and a sit down can't solve everything?

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