Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Shoes, Shoes, Shoes. And a Few Quid from Alan Sugar.

I have been watching the Apprentice. The winning team tonight will be going to Harvey Nics for an after hours shopping spree. Apparently Alan is going to give them "a few quid" towards their shopping.

Exactly how much do you think "a few quid" might be? In the spirit of The Apprentice, I have also been to visit Harvey Nics out of hours (via the internet, without the few quid from Alan Sugar and therefore without purchasing anything). In honesty, I was rather disappointed. The fact that I didn't have Alan's money to spend may contribute to that - but I have to say what disappointed me most, was that I typed "shoes" into the search facility and it came up with just three items - none of which were shoes.

How is a girl to clothe her feet if a shop like Harvey Nics can't even get to grips with what shoes are? It has been some time since I last updated my shoe cupboard - so I see this as rather an emergency situation. So I left Harvey Nics immediately in search of something more satisfying - and found myself at Irregular Choice.

Look at these lovelies. Or these. Or, in fact, any of these (in particular the black numbers with the pom poms - so long as you ignore the price tag. On all of them).

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