Monday, May 26, 2008

Fishnets, Zip Issues and Miracle Dresses

Have been on a total shopping spree this weekend. A total failure of a shopping trip. I took Friday off work to have a nice four day weekend and managed to ruin it by going shopping three days out of four.

I was supposed to go and have a round of golf with my nun friend, however that was scuppered by the weather. Hmph. Was looking forward to getting a chance to take all my frustrations out on a harmless little white ball. Particularly as her dad bought her pink golf clubs for her birthday, which we were going to use. Yes - that's pink golf clubs. So am jolly miffed to have missed out on that.

My shopping was not all failure though. I have thrown it all out of proportion as the reality is that I managed to purchase myself an almost complete new outfit. A pair of black city shorts, fishnet holdups and a new pair of shoes. It's been a while since I bought new shoes - which is no bad thing, given that I am totally running out of shoe space. But frankly the combination of the three purchases was too good to miss.

The best news, however, is that I had to return a dress, the cost of which was equal to the sum total of all the other purchases. I am a bit miffed about having had to take the dress back though in honesty. I had worn it to a wedding last weekend and was hoping to use it for another one next month, however... It was not to be. Upon arriving home from the wedding at 3 in the morning, I made myself a nice cup of tea and had a sit down before getting ready for bed.

So when at about 3.30 I went to take my dress off, I was horrified to find that not only would the zip not undo, but no one else was still up to share my horror at being potentially stuck in the dress for the rest of my life. Anyway, to cut the story short, by 4am I was out of the dress and in my pyjamas. The dress fared less well - finding itself, a week later, back in the shop it was bought from, without a functioning zip and in the dog house (and smelling a little like it had housed a body who had no self control on the dance floor for three hours).

The hunt for a new and equally miraculous dress (it was rather flattering, which, with a body like mine, is a miracle) will have to begin again next weekend. Hmph.

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