Monday, June 09, 2008

The First Rule of Shopping

Nothing to report really - I have not peed myself recently, I have been gorging myself as much as usual and I am still doing no exercise.

Went shopping with my mum at the weekend - who is staying for the week. I went on a shopping frenzy the weekend before - trying on enough to fill several wardrobes, getting in a huff because it was too hot in all the fitting rooms and thus rejecting everything in favour of a nice cool ice cream.

Went back on a mission this weekend - I knew exactly which of last weeks items I wanted to buy and therefore limited my mum to three shops with the excuse of expediency (actually - they were just the shops where my purchases were to be made). "We'll be straight in and out - unless I need to try anything on" were probably my words. So imagine my horror when everything, EVERYTHING I tried on and liked and couldn't be arsed to buy last weekend had GONE this weekend. Yes, gone.

There is a valuable lesson to be learnt here. If you go on a shopping frenzy, buy everything in sight - even if it's too hot. For returning next weekend is far preferable to missing out.

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