Tuesday, June 03, 2008

I'd Say I Earned My Cake

So as I tiptoed into my work loos today to avoid getting my trousers blechy (they are falling down at the hem, a little, I'll admit it) I was reminded that I really ought to make the effort to take my pants down before going for a pee this time.

This did, however, ensure that I was once again giggling to myself on the loo like a mad woman. Which was lucky - because it left me in good spirits for my journey home - and frankly, I was in need of them.

For the second time running this evening, I was unable to get home due to the wonders of Transport for London. Grrr. So having left work relatively early, it took me two hours to get home via a combination of walk, tube, walk, bus, walk. Ugh. But I put myself in a nice happy place again upon arrival home by a simple means - gorging myself. To be specific, gorging myself on four - yes, four pieces of cake. Yum.

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