Sunday, July 13, 2008


I have been watching Maury this afternoon (I'm hungover - watching Maury is acceptable when hungover) and the title of the show is "You cheated on me with my twin brother - and the baby's not mine" (or something else equally short and catchy).

The woman on there at the moment has a small child who is 9 months old. She's been married for a year and a half - which by my calculations means she cheated on her wedding night. Which is nice. Anyway - her husband is on the stage in a bit of a state because his wife's been cheating and he doesn't know if he's the baby daddy or not.

Maury and husband have a chat, then comes the time for Maury to get Chastity the wife out. Chastity? There isn't even a laugh from the crowd when he announces that her name is Chastity. I guess her parents had higher hopes for her.

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