Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Diet on the Dancefloor. Or Anywhere Else.

God, I LOVE this Diet on the Dancefloor. Though am totally miffed I didn't notice when they were looking for people to go on the damn programme. It's so totally made for me. I love dancing, I have an arse the size of a lorry - what more do I need? Why did they not come a-knocking on my door, asking if I wanted to wobble around the dancefloor until I am no longer wobbly.

Went to look at a wedding venue this morning, which made me realise that this weight loss lark really actually needs to happen, and that I can't just keep on doing my normal - "I'll start a diet next week". Because it's a slippery slope, you know - first you're looking at wedding venues, then you're trying on dresses and seeing yourself in the mirror looking nothing like the gorgeous bride you hoped you'd be. Instead you're looking at a girl who's looking a bit pale in the face (grey even), a bit wide around the waist and a bit more than a bit large around the behind.

If I get married around this time next year - or earlier, if I just lost a pound a month, I could lose a stone. A pound a month seems achievable, doesn't it? We'll see, I guess.

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