Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Engagement Do

Having a do this weekend. An Engagement do to be precise. Am rather disorganised - however did manage to spend sixty quid on alcohol last night. Got a little carried away in the Cava aisle if I'm honest. I was piling them in to the trolley by the box load. I'd got to eighteen bottles of cava, sitting in the trolley (hang on a second... I think there's a song in there somewhere) before the old man caught me.

After some extended insistance from the old man, I consented to putting back half of the bottles of cava - despite the fact that it was three for a tenner - THREE for a TENNER. Not bad, eh? How am I supposed to resist buying as many bottles as there are on the shelves at that bargain price?

Anyway, having consented to putting half of my cheap cava back, I was then also forced into consenting to purchasing bottles of cider, beer, lemonade and tonic water. What's wrong with cava at an engagement party? Surely it's all about glamour?

Which is why I shall be dressing myself in my most glamorous getup. I am going for either a 50s or 80s theme for my outfit (sans shoulder pads). As yet I am undecided which will be most glamorous.

I shall report back.

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