Tuesday, July 01, 2008

The Luxury of a Flushing Loo

Well I am now clean, all traces of Glastonbury removed from my being. And I'll tell you what, I suspect I have now ruined it for all future years, because the Hospitality area really was more than I had hoped for. There were flushing loos. For anyone who has been to Glastonbury - I am sure you will agree - that is enough to make all the difference.

That's not all though. The hospitality area is between the pyramid and other stages, which means that a quick flash of the special Hospitality wrist band will get you to a short cut to wherever you want to go. No fighting through crowds of people trying to go in the opposite direction to you, wading through seas of mud, walking several miles each day. Oh no, not for the hospitality pass holder. A quick hop and a skip and you're wherever you need to be.

It probably helps that there was no mud this time. Just sun, sun and lots of wind (of the weather variety).

So despite the crappy line up, Glastonbury was a success... Not sure how I'm going to manage with non-flushing loos at Latitude though.

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