Monday, July 28, 2008

To Join or Not to Join

Tonight I did a big thing. I went to the gym. I didn't exercise there - I just asked them how much it would cost me a month to exercise there. An extortionate amount, they said. And would I like to join now and they'd knock seventy quid off the joining fee for me, they said. Yes, seventy quid. My last gym membership for a year was only a tenner more than that.

There are actually two options:

1. Join the gym above which is horrifically expensive and has no swimming pool, but is on the way home from work.

2. Join the council gym, which is bigger, has a swimming pool and is empty most of the time, but is not on the way home.

To any normal, non-lazy person, clearly option 2 would be the logical gym to go with, were I to decide that yes, it is time to join a gym. However there appears to be more to gym-decision-making than being logical. Proximity to home, for example - on which number 1 wins. Being on the route from work to home, again, number 1 wins.

And the reason these things are so important, are that I am lazy, not logical. I can sign up to a cheaper (significantly cheaper) gym, which takes me 10-15 minutes to walk to from home - 15-20 from the station - which would mean I never go - home is on the route to the gym. It would be so much easier just to stop at home rather than keep walking to the gym.

Or I can sign up to the expensive gym, which is between the station and home and that I am therefore more likely to go to. Even if it doesn't have a swimming pool.

It is a quandary. And of course the bigger worry is that I spend all my time trying to decide which gym to join and then I never join one at all because the decision is too complicated.


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