Saturday, October 18, 2008

Commitment Issues? Me? No.

Well, that's it, I am getting married. I may have already told you that, however now I am really getting married. This is because today, The Old Man and I went to give our notice. For those of you who have not done this before, what that essentially means is that we go and tell the registrar our full names - which for me requires a lot of spelling out and for The Old Man requires a certain amount of embarassment, which he is going to have to face at the ceremony. Hehehe.

Oh - and the other bit of what it means is that we set the date and time of the ceremony and pay a wad of hard earned cash for I'm not sure what other than admiting that we've gone and decided to get wed. Sixty quid for the priviledge of telling a friendly gay chap that we're getting hitched while he smiles kindly and pretends to be patient while we argue over what day of the week is best for the wedding. This is probably something we should have done before we went to give notice, however The Old Man rudely booked our visit to the registrar for 10.30AM - what sort of sadist is he?

As far as I am concerned, on a Saturday morning, it is heresy to get up before 10.30 - so when The Old Man came in to the bedroom at 9.56 (after having been up for at least an hour - weird, eh?) announcing that we needed to get the bus in four minutes, I was neither with it, or pleased with the whole situation.

But we made it on time somehow (and I'd even had a shower), and we paid our money and set our date and left the registry office. The Old Man came out all excited - and turned to me to share the excitement, only to find me pale faced with a rabbit-in-the-headlights look in my eye. Oh my god, we are getting married. We are getting married. I have just signed a piece of paper that says I am going to spend the rest of my life with The Old Man. The rest of my life.

Oh my god. This marriage lark is a scary business - and I hear that the whole of the first year is going to have to be spent trying to adjust yourself to the realisation that this is it. For the rest of your life.

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