Sunday, October 26, 2008

Dress Commitment Issues

On Friday evening I went for what will hopefully be my final dress trying session. I have now tried on so many dresses that I don't believe there can be a single one out there that I have not tried on. And I mostly don't like any of them.

The reason I hope Friday was the last trying session is because I think I have now narrowed the search down to two - one that I tried on Friday and one that I have sort of not actually properly tried how it will actually look.

I did try about 6 dresses on Friday - however I've got the style now - so they were all in the same style, just different materials, colours, etc. You wouldn't believe, unless you'd tried on as many dresses as I have, how many different shades of white there are.

The woman in the shop on Friday gave me the low down on exactly what the next step is in wedding dressness. The next step is to part with a large wad of cash in return for having an embarassingly large number of measurements taken. The Older and Wiser Ms Jones, at this point, asked when the fittings would be and how many.

At this, the shop lady said that they tend to have most of the fittings later on, in the months directly before the wedding. And then... and this is the good bit... the shop lady said "but I wouldn't advise that you lose any weight actually, you're pretty much a perfect size..." smaller than I usually wear! Woo hoo.

I'm not sure if it was just a sales technique, but I love that woman. Give me the dress.
(Although actually, when she asked if I wanted to go ahead and order it right there and then I backed down - and I'm not sure it's just my general indecision that's the issue here... it was the same fear I felt after we'd set the date - I think I might just have a problem with commitment - although I'm pretty comfortable with the date being set now - I just needed a bit of time to get used to it). Gulp.

p.s. I am aware that the dress fitted in a size smaller because it is sort of A-line, and therefore does not require my bum to try to fit itself in too.

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