Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Doctor Evil

Went to the doctor yesterday. I am always disappointed when I go to see the doctor, because they are always so unpleasant. I don't go very often - which is maybe why I dislike them so much. Doctors are sooo rude. Towards the end of my appointment, my doctor said "you look worried".

Yes, you're damn right I look worried. You have not asked me for any of my symptoms, not really listened to anything I've said or asked me how I'm feeling. And on top of which, you clearly have problems with your sight, because god only knows what you've done with your eyebrows. How am I supposed to trust someone who has created a totally mismatched eyebrow scenario on her own face?

Particularly when she is belittling the massive amount of pain I am in. Doctors just talk to you as if you are a hypochondriac - I have been to the doctor maybe once in the last year or so. Nurses are much nicer - make you feel like they care.

Still, I have made the decision to take the drugs my horrible doctor has prescribed me, despite my mistrust for her. Because I am in a large amount of pain, despite the disbelief of my wonkey-eyebrowed doctor.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You poor thing! I also had this problem so i know how much it hurts - i could hardley walk!