Thursday, November 06, 2008

Meat Waggons and Flashing Lights

It was all go round here last night. At one point, there were three meat waggons, an ambulance and a normal police car. When I recounted this story at work, however, my colleagues largely looked at me blankly. "What's a meat wagon?". Hmmm. It's a van full of rozzers. "What are rozzers"?

Hmmm again. Anyway, it seemed to all come clear when I told them that some lassy with big hair was carted off in one of the meat waggons in a pair of handcuffs. Who knows what was going on - but it was all very exciting peeping out the window.

I think the people in the flats opposite were finding it all very exciting as well - because they were trying to subtly peer out of the window. However they appeared to have forgotten that without turning the lights off, there was just nothing subtle about thier heads sticking through the curtains at varying heights whilst they had the lights on in the room. Honestly - you have to turn the lights off for the people outside not to see you. Fools.

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