Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Drinkalong Live

So far, we are up to 5 bottles of wine that we need to test. And that is only the whites.

This really is the most excited I have been wedding planning yet. Off to my sister's on Friday evening to do Cookalong with said bottles of wine (the Old Ball and Chain is going to find 2 for 1/cheap wine offers tomorrow evening while I'm at work so that we can get the reds sorted too).

We are going to have a little wine tasting session and then get started with plans for a Champagne tasting session...

Can wedding planning possibly get any better?

On a more boring note - went to see both of the top 2 venues again this week and we are still no closer to a decision. The plan was to have the decision made by the end of the weekend just gone. The plan is now to have the decision made by the end of this weekend coming.

We'll see what actually happens.

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