Sunday, November 30, 2008

Wine Taste Test

On Saturday night we manged to get through eight bottles of wine and a bottle of Champagne. (The Champagne was not part of the test - it was far posher than we could possibly afford - it was a gift from work). Three whites and five reds. Then another red this evening.

We have the white sorted now. I think. Which means that we will now need to purchase around twenty bottles of it tomorrow - which is when the two for one offer it is in will run out.

The red has not been so easy. My favourite red is not on offer anywhere. I have scoured every supermarket and every off-licence I can find to see if I can get hold of some. No luck yet. However there is some time to go before the wedding - so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

I was surprisingly un-hungover on Saturday morning - well, on Saturday afternoon when I got up. Which I think is pretty good news. It is only the third time I have had anything to drink (alcohol) since my kidney infection - and both of the previous times I woke up wishing I was able to remove my head.

Anyway - the result of the weekend's foray into wine-testing is one down, two to go - and luckily enough, reds and Champagne are my favourite of the three. And when it comes to the two of them, I am prepared to be patient, and keep on trying and trying them, until the right offer comes up...

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