Sunday, November 09, 2008

Westfield Review

So yesterday I did as all girls must and dragged myself out to the Westfield to check it out. However I didn't get off the bus outside the doors until around 6pm - and although it's open until 10pm during the week (god those poor people who work there), it is only open until 8pm on Saturdays (still - poor people who work there - that's got to interfere with your social life).

Due to the continuing issue of a kidney infection, the hour-long bus ride left me desperate for the loo when I arrived. Which I had to queue for. As if that were not unacceptable enough, when I got into the loo, it started flushing itself with wild abandon. It had one of those light sensor flushes - which I quite like, because you don't have to touch someone elses wee when you flush. However this one was just a little too enthusiastic.

It flushed once before I went to the loo, once whilst going to the loo and once, as required after going to the loo. What's this all about? This crazed flushingness?

Anyway - for anyone who wants to know about the shopping centre itself, I will stop going on about the loos... I was surprised, because it didn't seem either as big or as busy as I had expected. Potentially it wasn't as big because all the shops I wanted to go to were in the same area. And because I only really had an hour and fifteen minutes, once you take into account my several trips to the loo and the fitting rooms closing fifteen minutes before the shops closed.

So I didn't really wander about all that much - because an hour and fifteen minutes only gives you time for a fifteen minute stop in five shops - and actually, I got caught in New Look for at least thirty six minutes - they've got a lot of shoes in there, you know. Along with the trousers and jumper I bought...

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