Sunday, November 16, 2008

Smooth Legs - Is It Worth It?

As you know, yesterday I went to have my measurements taken for my wedding dress.

To prepare for the experience, I decided it was only right to de-hair my legs. For Christmas last year - or maybe the year before, in my stocking, I got some sort of depilatory creation, which I have not yet tried out. This seemed like the perfect time to try it out. The stuff (Epilstop-wipeaway) is a set of "towelettes" - one which has the hair-removal stuff on it, that you wipe over your leg.

The instructions seemed to be telling me not to unfold the towelette whilst wiping my leg with it. I ignored this though, because these towelettes were either made for much smaller legs than mine (a possibility), or the instructions were simply wrong. I went with the latter. The box told me that I could expect a pleasant "melon and cucumber scent". Which was exactly the pleasant freshness which delighted my nostrils upon aplication. Well, upon the first three seconds of aplication that is.

At four seconds, the sodium thioglycolate kicked in and my senses were summarily abused by eggy, farty, horrificness. But I ploughed on with the other leg nonetheless. Which, it turned out, was a mistake, because the smell got steadily worse and worse - and I discovered, when trying to wash my hands, that extensive scrubbing with soap did not seem to remove the slimy residue left by the depilatory cream stuff.

The sachet gave me strict instructions not to leave the stuff on for ten minute or more - so having reached four minutes on one leg and two on the other with a slimy residue still lingering persistently on my fingers, I broke open the wipe-off sachet. Which mingled with the sodium thioglycolate to create an even more suffocating smell and removed very little hair.

I had to resort to shaving - however ran out of shaving foam after one leg. Hmmm - something tells me I was never meant to have smooth legs.

My legs themselves have, as my hands did, retained a slightly slimy residue when in contact with water any my finger nails seem to have been melted by the suspect depilatory cream - this morning, they averaged six millimetres long, this evening, they are averaging three.

I am not certain I will be using the other 20 sachets.

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