Sunday, December 07, 2008

A Bad Week For Going To The Loo

It's been an unpleasant week for going to the loo this week. I have been back to the Westfield this weekend in an attempt to start my christmas shopping (which didn't go too well incidentally) and have therefore been subjected to the maniacal flushing that occurs the moment you step through the cubical doors.

However worse, was a trip to the loo the other day at work. The loos at work are not often a pleasant place. On this occasion I went in there and there was someone else who'd just come out of the loo washing her hands. I don't like to go into the loo someone has obviously just come out of at work, because then if they've created an unpleasant odour, they don't have to be embarassed the next time they see you knowing that you have had to sit in it whilst trying to relieve yourself.

There are three loos at work. She's been in the first one, so I go to the end one, lock the door, and then it hits me. Loo smells are always unpleasant. Even when they're your own, however there are grades of horridness. Sometimes, the whole room smells odiferous, which is dreadful, however worse, is what I discover when I go into cubicle three. The sneaking smell. The type that keeps itself to its cubicle, so that you don't know that the cubicle smells until you get in there, lock the door and turn around to prepare yourself for the loo.

And that is exactly what I am faced with. A stench that manages to seep through the sleeve of my jumper, which is clamped firmly to my mouth and nose. Too dreadful to stay in there. But the lady from cubicle one is still washing her hands. Oh god, I can't stay in here, what am I going to do? So I stand there holding my breath while she washes her hands, slowly feeling my lungs demanding that I breath, but my nostrils begging me not to.

Luckily she doesn't take too long to wash her hands and the minute she's out the door, I burst out and gulp at the relatively fresh air of the sink area and make my way to cubicle number one (the door on cubicle number two is difficult to lock - you have to lift it, which when you're bursting for the loo is just too much effort). So I get in to cubicle number one to fine that it smells too. Ugh - so I head out and into number two, only to find a very large and unpleasant lurker at the bottom of the loo.

Ugh. So it's back to cubicle number one - the less smelly of the two, where I only just make it before having a nasty accident. Phew.

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