Sunday, January 25, 2009

A Day of Seven Children

Firstly, Happy Burn's Night.

Well, I have had a lovely weekend, however that is the silver lining to the cloud. The weekend was a total over-indulgence of too much food and children (I didn't eat the children).

Went for a weekend at friends', spent a lot of time eating homemade cakes, Thai food, and drinking exotic shots of strange alcoholic beverages.

Sounds good so far (apart from my to my broadening waistline), however the weekend has ended with a day of seven children. Seven. Two who belonged to the friends we were visiting, two belonging to The Lady With The Baby (now The Lady With The Babies) and three belonging to The Older And Wiser Ms Jones. Seven children in one day is simply too many. Particularly when the first set wake you very early in the morning, the second set throw up at the lunch table and the third throw their food at you at the dinner table.

However the day has ended on a high note, with a double episode of Kath and Kim, which is making everything feel a little better.

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