Monday, January 26, 2009

Holy Cow That's a Good Deal

I have just had the most amazing dinner.

My sister and I went to the gym this evening and on the way there, were accosted by a young man wondering if we wanted a drink. This was not some sort of dodgy chat up line. The young man really was offering us a totally free drink - and not only that - but free Indian food too!

Holy Cow has just opened a new branch around the corner from the gym and for their opening night, they have cooked up an aray of tasty looking dishes to welcome potential new customers. Great - a delicious looking new Indian take away opens and my sister and I are going to the damn gym. Typical.

I won't lie. We spent several seconds pondering whether we should actually bother with the gym or not, tempted by the delicious smells. However we then remembered that we were carrying rather wobbly bottoms behind us and that the curry would do nothing to help that matter. The gym is our friend. Curry our foe. So we reluctantly carried on to the gym, disappointed to be missing the delights of free food and drink.

And we did very well at the gym. Two different types of bike, the cross trainer, 400 leg exercises, 800 stomach exercises and oodles of gossiping (which is officially counted as exercise due to the high number of calories burnt through excitement and mouth movements). So by the time we left, we'd clean forgotten about the curry that had been on offer on the way there.

So imagine our delight when we passed the same way, only to discover that they were still giving away free curry and beer. So we gorged ourselves. And called everyone we knew who lived nearby to join us.

I have entirely undone all the good work done at the gym - but it was totally worth it - the food was dee-licious - and the best bit is that it was totally not oily and greasy. Imagine that - we were lucky enough not only to have discovered free food and beer, but to have found free low fat food (ish). Holy Cow is totally my new favourite Indian takeaway.

And it just goes to show, they're wrong when they say there's no such thing as a free lunch. (Well, really it was a free dinner - so I guess maybe they're right. But they'd be wrong if they said there was no such thing as a free dinner. So that clears that up).

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