Sunday, January 11, 2009

Tea, Garlic Bread and Gossip

Had an unusual weekend with my McFriend this weekend. Unusual in that I did not spend half my month's salary and end up with a hangover. Instead, we both stayed largely on the waggon - there may have been a small slip up involving some lemon drizzle cake - however what's a slice of cake between friends?

However despite the lack of alcohol, we had a great weekend - including almost everything a girls needs - cake (as you know), shopping (in a small amount), thousands of cups of tea, spaghetti, garlic bread, gossip, Sex and The City and tears.

Good eh? But better, were that my McFriend's McScales told me that since before Christmas I have lost two pounds. Woo woo.

I have also made the decision to keep a food diary - I am hoping I will embarass myself with just how much I consume on an average day enough into reducing it a little - or at least making it a little more healthy. I shall keep you updated regardig whether this is a worthwhile use of my time and biro ink in the next week or so.

In the meantime, I must go and plan my evening TV schedule - all the best series are starting again and I need to be prepared. (Clearly sitting my fat arse in front of the TV for extended periods of time is going to do wonders for my weight-loss programme...).

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