Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Weigh-In Avoided. Phew.

Well my detox is going well. I do one of these pretty much every January. I have been on it since Monday. Since then, I have had one pizza, two curries and sausage and mash twice. But I've had no crisps or chocolate. And only one slice of cake. And half a bottle of prosecco, followed by a glass of cava.

So I think you'll agree - pretty good, eh? I'll start it next week...

In better news, I went to the gym tonight for the first time all year. I could tell I'd put on weight by the look of my P.E. kit. It was all a bit tight with bulges poking out all over the damn place. This will never do. I went with my sister who made me do about eight thousand inner thigh exercises - a particular problem area of mine - however there is surely a limit to what one girl can take in the thigh-exercise department?

We also did about four hundred crunches/pulses. Ugh - dreadful business - everytime you lift yourself up there's the great big bulge of your out of contol belly just staring back at you, greeting you when you get there. I'm not sure going to the gym is so good for my health. We decided that given the christmas excesses, we would avoid the weighing in machine this time - be kind to ourselves and all - however my sister is a hard task master - I'm not sure I'm going to be getting away with avoiding the weigh in for all that long.

But that's a good thing I suppose, as everytime one of my eyelashes falls out, I keep wishing to lose a lump more weight before the wedding - and my detox doesn't seem to be shifting it (not sure why...) so perhaps the combination of my half-hearted detox and a paltry one trip the the gym a week will make all the difference...

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