Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Bad Day, Bad Week

Today has not been a good day. This week has not been a good week.

I decided last week that I would dedicate myself to some proper home gyming this week. I have not done any - other than two and a half minutes on Sunday. I had the best of intentions yesterday - however The Older And Wiser Ms Jones invited me around for curry - and how can I say no to that? She knows I can't - she's plotting against me, I swear it.

Monday was weigh-in and photo-in day - however I couldn't face either after such a weekend of indulgence, so I have been pretending I don't know.

Today I had a crappy day at work (which is not so uncommon these days) and then I was meeting a friend after work and got lost on the way there. It was one of those industry "networking" events I was meeting her for - and I only managed to get myself two and a half glasses of champagne, which turned out to be fizzy wine - disappointing, but I'm no snob. What was more disappointing was that I only managed to get two mini-bowls of food - and they really were mini.

On top of which, my friend was not so friendly - she was chatting up some bloke who commented that I had nice shoes (I do have nice shoes) and the first thing she said following his comment was "Oh, when is it you're getting married, Ms Jones"?

I AM getting married - I'm not moving in on your man, love - I just have nice shoes. Don't be all jealousy-pants about it.

And to top it all off, I had to have takeaway when I got home. And on no exercise all week. There will be no exercise tomorrow either, as I am going to be spending the entire evening baking cupcakes for another colleagues birthday. I shall have to both test the cupcakes and eat them on Friday for her birthday. There is simply no choice. So the diet and exercise regime will have to start next week. And I remain a fat dollop. Good one.

(Finally - I had a comment on one of my posts about my fat bottom. I am currently in the deciding stages as to whether I make the comment public or not. I am leaning towards allowing it - because it makes a fair comment. That I have a fat bottom).

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