Friday, February 20, 2009

You've Changed...

We have now got SkySports in our flat. Just for the Cricket season and The Ashes. After which, it will be relinquished once again in favour of saving, saving, saving... there are a lot of rainy days to come.

With the return of SkySpots, comes the return of WWE - a guily secret of mine. However I am shocked in turning it on, to discover that it's changed. WWE has changed. Everyone has more tattoos for a start - and everyone has changed alliegences - and everyone has changed thier theme tunes. These things I can cope with. I can get used to new tunes and tattoos. They changed their alliegences as often and I changed my underwear before anyway (which was regularly, I'll have you know - and remains regular).

What is bothering me though, is that The Game, Triple H (Henry Horatio Hatwearer) suddenly seems to be married to Michelle McMahon. And not only that, but they have offspring. Plural. How can this have either a. passed me by or b. happened in the course of what surely cannot be much more than a year. Two years at most - that's quick turnaround for a relationship turning into a wedding, turning into plural offspring.

I am finding it all a little distressing. Along with the fact that there are people who's names I don't know, I'm just not sure how I feel about the WWE Experience anymore.

(I am not sure Triple H is really called Henry Horation Hatwearer - but it's got to mean something, right? And why not Henry Horation Hatwearer)?

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