Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Hen Dos and Home Gyms

This wedding organisation lark is tough business for a disorganised lady.

I think we have now sorted out most of the big bits. We've put the deposit down for the venue, the caterer and erm... hmmmm, that might be all actually.

But we have now seen two photographers and started sorting the favours. Which I think you'll agree, with three months to go is pretty organised... Unless you hear about what anyone else who's getting married in three months has done.

Oh - actually, the other thing that is on its way to being organised is the hen do, however that's because The Older And Wiser Ms Jones is organising it - and she is an organisational machine. She is not to be messed with when it comes to organisation. I am not sure at the moment if I should be excited or worried about the hen do.

I currently know nothing about it. NOTHING. I don't even know if everyone who is invites is coming or not - apparently, I am not allowed to know. I have specified no strippers or limosines - despite my sister being desperate for both - and was totally miffed not to have had at her own hen do.

Anyway, more importantly, I can't believe that I have not yet told you about our home gym. Yes, that's right, a home gym. However now is not going to be the time to tell you, I'm afraid, as I have to go and gorge myself on banana bread. People who have imminent home gyms are allowed to, you see. Home gyms are a ticket to gorge yourself on everything that you lay your eyes on. The small problem is that I don't yet have a home gym, but have commenced with the gorging...

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