Monday, February 09, 2009

Home Gym Part 1

Part 2 of the home gym has arrived.

And I haven't even told you about Part 1. Terribly remiss, I know - and I apologise humbly. My sister and I decided that going to the gym is too expensive - particularly as I am saving for a wedding, wedding, wedding (I'll bore your head off with it if it's the last thing I do).

So we went to our trusty friend Gumtree to see what we could find. A hop, skip and a jump later (well, in honesty, it was all a little more lazy than that - a bit of typing and clickedy clicking later...) we found ourselves eighty quid less well off and two home gym items better off. The first item was a total bargain at a tenner - never mind that we couldn't work out exactly what it was or how it worked - this thing was a TENNER. There's no need to ask questions when someone's offering you thinness for a tenner.

So The Old Man went to collect it (I had to work that evening - it's not just that I'm terribly bossy... even though I am terribly bossy). Igot home from work around half eleven that evening, to find some sort of contraption unlike anything else I have seen or was expecting. It is huge. And really hefty. Simply moving it from the hallway to the living room seemed like enough exercise for one night. However have new home gym item, must use.

It was billed as a cross trainer - however it is more of an airwalker, I'd say. You put your feet on it and swing your legs about the place like mad. I started by facing the wrong way, which made it a little difficult to balance, however once I discovered my foolish error and got on it the right way around, it was... erm... not very effective. I'm pretty sure I was on it for about fifteen minutes, The Old Man said I was actually on it for about two minutes. But who're you going to belive, eh? Oh come on - I'm sure I was on it for 15.

But either way, no sweating and no aching - and that's what I'm going for. Thinness is pain. And sweat. And I achieved neither airwalking in my smart work clothes. Highly disappointing. But don't tell my sister - because I'm going to try to palm that one off on her whilst I "work out" on Part 2 of the home gym. The part that means business.

No time for any further discussion of home gyms now though, I'm afraid. Apparently I have to go and chose some wedding invites and a photographer. See - if I have to be bored of all this wedding lark, you do too.

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