Tuesday, March 10, 2009

It Gives You That B...B...Bounce...?

I currently have a host of addictions. One of which is berocca. Probably a result of my numerous late nights (don't mistake this for having a life - that's not the problem, I just go to bed late). The disturbing thing about this addiction, is the effect it has on not just my energy levels (I can never be sure how much that effect is psychosomatic), but on my bladder, and more specifically, what passes through it.

I apologise - I know that I spend more time than necessary sharing my bodily functions with you - however when I go to the loo after drinking berocca, my wee is a peculiar neon shade of yellow, which I find rather disturbing. Anyone else have this problem?

In more exciting news, I have ordered the material for my wedding dress (yes, back onto the wedding again), which should arrive in the next couple of days. Pretty organised, I think you'll agree... so long as you don't take into consideration that the lady making the dress told me that I needed to have my material by the beginning of January.

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