Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Home Gym Confusion

So I have been trying my best on the home gym, and I am confused.

I am aware I haven't told you about the second part of the home gym, so I'll summarise it now... It is a cross trainer, also from good old Gumtree. It is a proper one - not just a throw your legs about the place in the air one like part 1 of the home gym. It offers resistance and counts how many calories you have burnt and how long you've been going and how far you've been going and all that stuff.

And that's where I get confused. I can't work out the how far I'm going bit. Which sounds pretty divvy, eh? Well, let me explain. Twenty minutes on the cross trainer takes me around about 10 somethings in distance. When I'm on there, I'm going somewhere between 26-28 somethings an hour (which just about works out right).

So what are these somethings? They certainly aren't miles. There's simply no way I'm doing 26-28 miles an hour. So are they kilometers? By my calculations, that would be about 16ish miles an hour. Also an impossibility. So what are these measurements? Could my fitness levels be so paltry that I am really only running 26-28 meters an hour?

I tested this theory, by getting off the machine and walking a meter. I did it in one step. And I'm pretty sure I can manage more than 26-28 steps an hour. Unless I'm having a really bad day.

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