Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Dress - A Mini Series

Gawd, this dress business is just one palaver after another. As you know, I went to try it on again this time with the "correct underwear" and Grumpy Dress Lady admitted that yes, the dress was too big.

So I was supposed to collect it last Thursday - as I was going to work late after having been working in Dublin for a couple of days. It should have been a sign of bad things to come when I got there and she was fifteen minutes late. "Oh, you've just come to collect the dress, haven't you, you don't need to try it on, do you?"

Of course I need to try it on, you crazy lady. "Erm, I think I will just quickly try it on if that's ok?"

So I go into the fitting corner and prepare myself with the "correct bra" and my knickknacks, turn the dress around to undo the zip, to be met by a line of pins. Unaltered pins. Yes, that's right, the dress had not been taken in. After initial claims that it was probably just there to show how much had been taken in and then fiddling about with said pins, Grumpy Dress Lady finally admits that no, it has not been taken in. The dress has just been sitting around for a couple of weeks doing nowt.

With many apologies, we arrange for me to pick it up on Saturday at no particular time. I should have checked when she would be open until - but she's usually open until 6, so I thought at 3.30 when I text her to ask if I could pick it up at 5 on Saturday that I'd be ok. Not so. She text me back at 4.55 to say "Oh, only just seen your text, I'm afraid I'm leaving in 5 minutes and I'm not back until Tuesday". Urgh.

But today is Tuesday and The Older And Wiser Ms Jones kindly picked it up for me - so we had a trying session and eyelash dying session this evening. I will have to be careful not to lean in certain directions or to put my hands on my hips, because otherwise everyone will see just how correct my bra is, but otherwise, it's a whole heap better. At last. (And with only four days to go...).

1 comment:

Nun friend said...

I am a bit disturbed - fitting corner! This implies there is no door between you and the grumpy dress lady!